Sunday, February 22, 2009
Congratulations Wall-e!
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Muppets Take Orlando

As for the Jim Henson exhibit itself, it was really neat to see the puppets up close and personal (albeit behind glass). As someone who has built a puppet or two in his time, it was really cool to see firsthand how the people who essentially created that particular style of puppetry put their puppets together. It was also interesting to see the evolution of Henson's artistic ideas from the creation of initial design sketches to storyboards to the puppets themselves to a finished film all on display in one place. However, it would be more than a little dishonest for me to say that my interest in the Muppets on display was purely from a technical or artistic perspective. After all, it’s hard not to be a little star struck when you turn a corner and there is Kermit, or Bert and Ernie, or Rowlf the Dog right in front of you after years of watching them on TV. However, after the initial shock, the experience felt (no pun intended) more like revisiting a piece of my own childhood in a whole new way than standing in the presence of a movie star. As corny as that sounds, I think that ability (in terms of puppet design, writing, and performance) to create characters that elicits such warm, silly, and unpretentious responses was part of what set Jim Henson's creations apart in the world of pop culture in the first place. Finally, the art on display, which made up the majority of the exhibit, was really fascinating to see as well. Most of it was in the form of fairly rough sketches and doodles, but as a fellow art student who grew up doodling it was cool and even a little inspirational to see someone whose work I admire going through some of the stages that I have artistically (including, apparently, the packrat stage).
However, the day wasn’t over yet when we left the museum. It was time for a late lunch so on the way home my brother and I stopped at one of our favorite places to visit: Disney World! Downtown Disney to be exact, where we enjoyed more free parking, had some hot sandwiches, and soaked up that Disney atmosphere (a process which included lots of photography). All in all, it was a great (if perhaps unconventional) way to spend Valentines Day.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Photo Album: Mickey and Minnie

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Advice for the Sick and Tired
- Never trust that if you take non-drowsy medicine that you won't get tired. If you are sick, you'll feel tired all the time anyway.
- Know that school will make things inconvenient when your sick, especially when it schedules tests and projects while your sick so instead of just taking a day off to get better you have to run around in abnormally cold weather and study which only makes you feel worse.
- You'll yearn for a time when food doesn't have an aftertaste of mucus and cold medicine. Accept it.
- You would think that if you have a fever and chills that one would cancel out the other but this is unfortunatly not the case.
- Tissues feel much better than paper towels or paper napkins but any of these can work in a pinch.
- Two words: Chicken Soup. I don't understand why it helps so much, but it does.
- Nap whenever you have some spare time. Your body needs plenty of sleep and has no problem telling you that when your sick. Take advantage of it.
- If you're starting to feel better, avoid catching another cold and starting the whole cycle over again.