Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hey blog-reading people! Welcome to my brand new blog! As you may have notices, it's called "Life, Laughter, and Lots More" and is called that because all the other names I came up with were already taken. Anyway, on this blog I'll be sharing some of the random and not so random thoughts, images, news, links, ramblings, and other things that come to my mind whenever I feel like posting. I'm currently studying photography so expect pictures to be a big part of what I do here. Also, I'm a big fan of animation (particularly but not limited to Disney and Pixar), puppetry (especially the Muppets), and comedy in general so don't be surprised if they get mentioned every one in a while either. Last but not least, I am continually trying to live out my faith in Jesus in my life, and I'm sure that that will find its way into my postings here as well. So, with introductions behind us, I hope that you will enjoy whatever it is I feel like writing. 

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